Friday, June 21, 2013

It is over a week when I have landed in Kingdom of South Arabia (KSA). I left  Jeddah airport at 9:30 PM last Sunday and after about one hour drive, we arrived at KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology). Highway from the airport to the KAUST was illuminated like downtown streets, but highway was dark past exit to KAUST.  I was so surprised, how strict was a guard on the KAUST gate, it was almost like East German border guard on border with West Germany during Communism time. And more, we had to go through another check point when I exchange my passport for temporary visitor's  ID.
I was told that at 8 AM company driver will pick me up from my new apartment and we will go to my new work. So I went to sleep after almost 20 hours in airports and planes.

Here are few pictures of the world I woke up on Monday

Views from my bedroom balcony

Driver show up at exactly 8 AM ( in Canada was 1 AM) and we went to work. And surprise, surprise at 8:30 i was in the meeting with contractors building our new lab. The building is almost ready but no occupancy permit yet. Fire alarm system had on Monday 280 faults and it looks like we will have another month or two to start move to the new building.

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